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< 25 Gold | Index | Appendix B >

26 Appendix A - Object List

All objects except for the palantir have an equivalent bonus object which can be purchased using gold. Gold is not considered an object and exists outside of the realm of the game. See Bonus Objects and Gold for more information on these.

26.1 Coal (COAL)

Coal is the lifeblood of Battle Mines, vital to all these fundamentals:

Coal miners have an advantage because their product is always in demand. Also, coal is easy to mine, so their mines are not detrimental to production modifier. The downside is keeping all that black gold organized; cellars and firepower help deal with that.

Coal refines to diamond at a ratio of 7 to 1. It cannot replace diamond in any expense.

26.2 Bauxite (BXT)

Bauxite, paired with coal, is just about all you need to get an empire up and productive. It is the main building component of mines and warehouses, which are integral to any economy. It is part of the recipe for many productive, peaceful buildings. Bauxite lands even get a bonus to growth modifier, as the gentle climate lends itself to highly productive wheat farming.

Bauxite refines to aluminum at a ratio of 1 to 1, and replaces it in most expenses at a ratio of 4 to 1.

26.3 Pig Iron (IRON)

Pig iron is used to build weapons of war and tools of aggression, a few lucky cannons can bend the largest industrial powerhouse to the humblest warlord's will. Its industrial applications too are manifold. Like bauxite, it can be used to build mines, making it integral to industry. Friendly hill giants will assist in defensive battles.

Pig iron refines to steel at a ratio of 1 to 1, and replaces it in most expenses at a ratio of 4 to 1.

26.4 Sand (SAND)

Sand is used for all information-gathering efforts, and is a basic component of many useful and advanced buildings. Sand also the unfortunate habit of blowing away in small amounts from those trying to mine it; this can be prevented by a dome. Deserts are not optimal for growing crops. Unless the weather is rainy or stormy, a -5 GM hit is taken due to aridity.

Sand refines to glass at a ratio of 1 to 1, and replaces it in most expenses at a ratio of 4 to 1.

26.5 Uranium Ore (URO)

Uranium ore, like coal, can be used for good or evil. As reactor fuel, it can help efficiently cover the vast cost of keeping your industries running. It is a component in some vital, specialized buildings. On its dark side, as a local combat munition, it causes twice the damage of a regular shot, and can break ties for most powerful munition used.

Uranium lands are decidedly not the place to try to grow a lot of crops, and fallout clings to these tiles more easily than others. On the other hand, hardy uranium ore miners get to ignore the effects of the first 20 pollution on their production modifier.

Uranium ore refines to enriched uranium at a ratio of 1 to 1, and replaces it in most expenses at a ratio of 4 to 1.

26.6 Diamond (DMND)

Diamond is a component required in several advanced buildings. It drives industry with the manufacture of diamond drills, and has specialized applications in espionage.

A diamond can be refined from 7 coal, plus power costs which are paid in reactor fuel or more coal. They are the only refined material that cannot be replaced with their base equivalent under any circumstances, only real diamonds will do.

26.7 Aluminum (ALU)

Aluminum refines from bauxite, like which it has many peaceful applications. 4 bauxite may be used in its place for most costs.

26.8 Steel (STEEL)

Steel refines from iron, like which it can be used many warlike ways. 4 pig iron may be used in its place for most costs.

26.9 Glass (GLASS)

Glass refines from sand, like which it is used in espionage, outposts, and many advanced buildings. 4 sand may be used in its place for most costs.

26.10 Enriched Uranium (EUR)

The big brother of uranium ore from which it is refined, enriched uranium has scanty peaceful applications. While a key component of some buildings, it's more often than not used to manufacture ICBMs, or fired directly at enemies in combat. Enriched uranium impacts four times the area of a conventional shot, and can deliver victory by most powerful munition.

Enriched uranium is the primary source of fallout. Each unit used in combat generates one fallout for the target. Each time it is harvested from a refinery there is a 26% chance of one fallout being added.

While the standard pay ratio of 4 to 1 works between uranium ore and enriched uranium, it does not apply when enriched uranium is being used in combat. Because of the rarity of uranium ore, the material priority policy setting may be of particular use in its expenditure.

26.11 Food (FOOD)

Food is a highly strategic resource in the desolate world of Battle Mines. It is used to curry favour with the people on issues such as government and vassalage, and it can coerce them to rush building production. It is highly prized at the black market, and lets you avoid land exchange when paired with a bunker. It is a pivotal ingredient of several espionage missions.

Food is vulnerable to rotting which causes pollution, and if left sitting in an inventory will soon be no more. The fridge powersink prevents food from rotting, and causes it to take up half as much inventory space, the same way a cellar affects coal. Brand new players are temporarily protected aginst having their food rot.

Unlike other resources food must be grown, which involves mitigating pollution, fallout, and other crop-unfriendly factors. Greenhouses are another option, but they require power and maintenance.

26.12 Aid (AID)

Aid is a godsend to the recently demolished. It allows you the replenish your stock of basic buildings without the need to spend raw materials. Aid can only be used when you have ten buildings or less in your city, not counting trees.

An aid package, used from the build menu, allows you to construct up to four buildings. The buildings include a refinery, mine, cannon, and warehouses. Each can only be placed once, except for the warehouse. You can opt to place extra warehouses instead of any of the other buildings, and also to stop placing buildings before you have placed all four. Once you confirm your placements, the aid package is used up, no other expenses incurred.

The mines produced from an aid package have an equal chance of being aluminum or steel. Aid costs one aluminum, one steel and one food to manufacture in a factory.

26.13 Palantir (PLNTR)

Palantirs are so special, they hardly count as objects, except for taking up one space in your inventory. When smuggled to your enemies through spies, they afford special powers over the player holding your palantir.

Palantirs cost one glass to manufacture. See the Palantirs section for more information.

26.14 Diamond Drill (DRILL)

Pollution stymying your mining efforts? With a few bushels of diamond drills, you can easily make up the difference, and then some. Each drill adds two to your production modifier. You can add as many PM as you want in this way, up to your industry cap.

Unfortunately diamond drills are highly intricate, fragile pieces of machinery, and tend to break beyond repair in unstable conditions. If you are hit by enriched uranium or ICBMs in combat, each drill in your inventory has a 50/50 chance of being smashed leaving behind 0, 1 or 2 diamonds.

Diamond drills cost two diamonds and two aluminum to manufacture in a factory.

26.15 ICBM (ICBM)

Intercontinental ballistic missiles or ICBMs allow the holder to engage in global warfare, both offensively and defensively. See the Global Warfare section for details. They are a big source of fallout, causing three units for every impact.

ICBMs cost three enriched uranium and three steel to manufacture.

< 25 Gold | Index | Appendix B >

BATTLE MINES © Erik Walle 2005-2024
Red Asteroid Games Inc.
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